Search by Inventory
The user clicks the "l" icon to open the search by inventory options.

- Part number.
- Lot.
- LPN.
- Series.
- BIN (only shown with configured user permission)
The user can do a search by clicking the Search by Inventory option.
NOTE: The user can choose only one data entry to search and the application will show the tag that has the name of the selected search on the top part.
The user types in the complete values that are linked to the data selected previously. If there are more than one values, they must be separated by comma or enter key.
IMPORTANT: With "Part Number" and "BIN" multiple search are not done. This means, values are captured one at a time.
The user clicks the "Search" option and the application will show the search results. Of each result:
- Thumbnail picture (On click, the picture will zoom out)
- Part number.
- Description.
- Quantity.
- Stock Nature.
- FiFo.
- SBD.
- BIN.
- SKU.
- Vendor number.
- Reservation number.